Parental Pal

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September 23, 2024

Since every child is distinct and has an individual style of learning, the different styles of tutoring must be introduced and known to all parents.

In this article, I highlight the different styles of tutoring with a focus on the most prominent styles used by teachers in recent times.

Read this to the conclusion to get great insights on the styles that should be adopted for your child.

What is a tutoring style?

A tutoring style is defined as an educator’s approach to carrying out a lesson with a student or pupil.

It is a method that is used by a teacher to ensure that every student digests what they are being taught.

READ: The Do’s and Don’ts Of After School Tutoring

The Different Styles of Tutoring

1, Visual tutoring

Visual learning is a type of learning style in which students prefer to use images, graphics, colors, and maps to communicate ideas and thoughts.

Therefore, to determine whether your student is a visual learner, you can ask them simple questions like whether they prefer movies or books. If they are a visual learner, they’ll choose movies.

2, Auditory tutoring

Auditory learning means that a student learns most effectively by listening. They would prefer listening to a lecture over reading a textbook.

As a result, auditory learners require aural input to make meaning of words, which is why they struggle with non-auditory tasks such as reading and writing.

Furthermore, they enjoy listening to music, reading to themselves aloud, and asking a lot of questions to help them express their ideas.

3, Logical tutoring

This is a method by which tutors teach the child using order, steps, and logic. They are also quite good at mathematics.

Logical learners respond best to activities that require problem-solving and inference.

As a result, they are adept at spotting discernible trends and patterns in what they learn and may easily form conclusions using facts.

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4, Physical tutoring

The physical learning style is characterized by utilizing the body and sense of touch to understand the world around us.

Physical learners are also known as kinesthetic learners. They are almost as common as visual learners, and these students learn best via a hands-on approach.

You can identify a physical learner by a restless demeanour, excellent body control, good spatial awareness, and good hand-eye coordination.

5, Social tutoring

This is a process by which a child acquires knowledge and skills through social interactions. What this means is that for the child to learn fast, the tutor needs to create an environment where there is interaction with other children.

Humans have a strong tendency to imitate each other, and some children seem to learn better in situations where there is plenty of human interaction. This is what is known as social learning, otherwise known as interpersonal learning.

Therefore, if you’re tutoring a group of students, role-playing and group activities might help the social learners in the group. For other useful strategies to apply with your students, check out this resource for interpersonal learning.

6, Solitary Learning

Solitary learning is the opposite of social learning. Solitary learners can be thought of as the “introverts” of the educational world — they prefer to learn alone.

As a result, these type of children don’t adjust well to online learning environments, which are often collaborative.

A student is likely seeking one-to-one tuition with you because they’re unable to learn well in a shared space i.e. classroom.

These pupils are highly self-motivated to complete assignments on their own.

READ: Handwriting and Typewriting: Its Importance for Children

How many different styles of learning are there?

The most common tutoring styles used are predominantly Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic/Physical. These are the commonly used techniques by tutors.


When getting a tutor for your child, as a parent, you must endeavor to ask the teachers questions as doing this helps you understand if the person is a professional and can adequately cater to your child’s needs.

Furthermore, you will gain a thorough comprehension of your child’s interests and how they assimilate their schoolwork and other activities in real-time.

As a result, while looking for tutoring services, look for companies with a proven track record.

Research properly on companies that have the necessary facilities at comprehending a child’s neurology and learning patterns.

Finally, with ParentalPal, you get the best tutors to groom your child.

Thank you for reading!

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