One amazing feature of the human brain is that it continues to evolve into different developmental stages as one ages. As a result, the importance and growth of each stage will be dictated by how it is nourished, particularly from birth to adulthood.
Thus, you should read the article till its conclusion as we will go over each stage of the human brain.
Stage 1: 0 to 10 months
- Neurons and connections growing.
- Pregnant women should stay as stress-free as possible, take folic acid, B6 & B12, and stimulate this young developing brain with sounds and sensations. Mothers should avoid toxins, cigarettes, heavy metals, alcohol, and drugs.
Stage 2: Birth to 6 years
- Development of voluntary movement, reasoning, perception, frontal lobes active in the development of emotions, attachments, planning, working memory, and perception. A sense of self is developing and life experiences shape emotional well-being.
- By age six, the brain is 95% of its adult weight and peak of energy consumption.
- Caregivers need to provide a nurturing environment and daily individualized communication. Negative or harsh treatment may come with emotional consequences in the future.
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Stage 3: 7 to 22 years
- The neural connections or ‘grey’ matter is still pruning, the wiring of the brain is still in progress, and the fatty tissues surrounding neurons or ‘white’ matter increase and assist with speeding up electrical impulses and stabilizing connections. The prefrontal cortex is the last to mature and it involves the control of impulses and decision-making.
- Therefore, teenagers need to learn to control reckless, irrational, and irritable behavior. Avoiding drugs, alcohol, smoking, unprotected sex, and substance abuse.
Stage 4: 23 to 65 years
- Finally, the brain reaches its peak power around age 22 and lasts for 5 more years. Afterwards, it’s a downhill pattern. Last to mature and the first to go is the brain functionality of executive control occurring in the prefrontal and temporal cortices. Memory for recalling episodes starts to decline, processing speed slows, and working memory stores less information.
- The best approach is to stay mentally active, learn new things, stay physically active, and eat a very healthy diet. Avoid toxins, cigarettes, alcohol, and mind-altering drugs.
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Stage 5: 65 years above
- Brain cells are lost in the critical areas such as the hippocampus responsible for processing memories.
- Learn new skills, practice meditation to promote neutral emotions, and exercise to improve abstract reasoning and concentration.
- Avoid stress or incorporate stress reducing mediation and exercises.
- Eat a healthy diet with foods to nourish one’s level of dopamine.
Understanding the many stages of the human brain is essential for fostering tremendous learning in how to deal with individuals, particularly children, from adolescence to adulthood. It provides you with first-hand knowledge on how to deal with others, not just your children. Overall, you stand to gain insights about the dynamics that surround your brain, as well as how to guarantee that they develop properly and do not deteriorate.
Thank you for reading!