Parental Pal

Holidays That Rock, Coming soon! #HolidaysThatRock

July 15, 2024

Steeze and composure, are two popular terms that would be a herculean task for any parent right now, as the kids are on a long-term holiday. The frustration, overwhelming anxiety, and tiredness that come with the summer holiday, one could simply imagine it all, as the upcoming weeks will be intense.

How possible is it to keep everything together? Work, the family, and the home, coupled with the children’s restlessness during this time. How feasible is it then to maintain steeze and composure when everything appears to be disorganised?

Well, this is why we have put this article together. In this piece, we will take you through the phases of maintaining steeze and composure as a parent.


Stage 1: Denial

This is the first stage of your road to steezedom. As a parent, you assume you are a magician who can handle everything, especially because the children are on holiday and will not be attending school in the coming weeks. You believe you can rely on your younger sister or brother-in-law to look after the kids while you are away. However, most of the time, this fails.

Stage 2: Confusion

At this point, the kids are now three weeks into the holiday, and you still don’t know how to keep them engaged while managing your time effectively. You’re trapped, confused, stressed out, unable to function at work, and completely frustrated.


Stage 3: Acceptance

After some confusion, it has become clear that managing the children alone, during the summer break is not feasible. You have started to come to terms with the circumstances and are now looking for workable solutions to ensure you keep your steeze and composure as planned while making sure the kids are alright.

Stage 4: Solution

At this point, you have reached the pinnacle of success. You’ve finally realised you need help and are looking at enrolling the kids in holiday programmes. However, you must also determine what type of activities are appropriate and how you will ensure they’ve established an effective schedule.



With the assistance of child support companies like Parental Pal, parents are provided with resources to help them manage their kids throughout the summer holidays. Parental Pal assists in creating a schedule for the children and provides extensive academic and moral support. Going for offers like this can help you maintain your steeze and increase your composure by 1000%.

Thank you for reading!

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